As A Notebook

Deploying Overwatch As A Notebook

Notebooks can either be run manually or scheduled to run as a job. While the notebook can be scheduled as a job, it’s strongly recommended that Overwatch be run as a JAR instead of a notebook. Notebook execution is great for rapid testing and validation.

This deployment method requires Overwatch Version

Jumpstart Notebook

Below is an example deployment. When you’re ready to get started simply download the rapid start linked notebook below.

Deployment Example

import com.databricks.labs.overwatch.MultiWorkspaceDeployment
val configTable = "overwatch.overwatch_config" // Path to the config table

// temp location which will be used as a temp storage. It will be automatically cleaned after each run.
val tempLocation = "/tmp/overwatch/templocation"

// number of workspaces to process in parallel. Exceeding 20 may require larger drivers or additional cluster config considerations
// If total workspaces <= 20 recommend setting parallelism == to workspace count 
val parallelism = 4

// Run validation
MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configTable, tempLocation)

// To run only specific pipelines (i.e. Bronze / Silver Gold) as second argument can be passed to deploy as a 
// comma-delimited list of pipelines to run
// ex: MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configCsvPath, tempLocation).deploy(parallelism,"Bronze") 
//     MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configCsvPath, tempLocation).deploy(parallelism,"Silver")
//     MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configCsvPath, tempLocation).deploy(parallelism,"Gold")
//     MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configCsvPath, tempLocation).deploy(parallelism,"Bronze,Silver")
//     MultiWorkspaceDeployment(configCsvPath, tempLocation).deploy(parallelism,"Silver,Gold")

Review The Deployment Status

Once the deployment is completed, all the deployment update details will be stored in a deployment report. It will be saved to <storage_prefix>/report/deploymentReport as a delta table. Run the below query to check the deployment report.

NOTE The deployment report maintains a full history of deployments. If you’ve deployed multiple times be sure to look at the snapTS and only review the validations relevant for the latest deployment.

select * from delta.`<storage_prefix>/report/deploymentReport`
order by snapTS desc