
Overwatch Deployment Configuration

How it works

Overwatch deployment is driven by a configuration file which will ultimately be loaded into the deployment as a csv format or delta table. This configuration will contain all the necessary details to perform the deployment. Since CSVs are a bit cantankerous we’ve offered two different methods for building the configuration file. If you’re good at VSCode or similar text editor and want to edit the CSV directly feel free to do so. We strongly recommend that you create a delta table with the csv file you just created and use that as your configuration input.

IF YOU INTEND TO USE EXCEL (RECOMMENDED) note that Excel may alter several pieces of the CSV; thus we recommend you complete all your edits in the .xlsx file and then Save As a .csv extension. Before you upload the file spot-check the CSV to ensure everything looks correct. Rest assured though, there are many validations that will alert you if there are any issues.

IF YOU INTEND TO USE CSV do not open or edit the CSV in Excel unless you’re skilled with editing CSVs in Excel. Excel may attempt to auto-format certain fields and can break the required format, especially workspace_id and date fields.

Regardless of the method you choose, DO NOT DELETE FIELDS you don’t think you need. If the field doesn’t pertain to you just leave it blank to avoid any strange issues when parsing the CSV.

Building Your Config

Please use the template for your version. If you are upgrading from 071x to 072x the upgrade script in the change log will upgrade the script for you.

  • 0.7.2.x+ (.XLSX | .CSV)
    • Two column names were changed in 072x to make the scope a little broader
      • “etl_storage_prefix” –> “storage_prefix”
      • “auditlogprefix_source_aws” –> “auditlogprefix_source_path”
  • 0.7.1.x (.XLSX | .CSV)

To Download Right-click the file type you want and click “Save link as…” or “Save target as…”

Column description

Below are the full details of each column in the latest config. For exact/complete configuration options by version please see Configuration Details By Version

Column Type IsRequired Description
workspace_name String True Name of the workspace.
workspace_id String True Id of the workspace. MUST BE VALUE AFTER THE o= in the URL bar. To ensure you get the right value, run the following on the target workspace. Initializer.getOrgId
workspace_url String True URL of the workspace. Should be in format of https://*.com or https://*.net. Don’t include anything after the .com or .net suffix
api_url String True API URL for the Workspace (execute in scala dbutils.notebook.getContext().apiUrl.get ON THE TARGET WORKSPACE NOT DEPLOYMENT WORKSPACE to get the API URL for the workspace. NOTE: Workspace_URL and API_URL can be different for a workspace but may be the same even for multiple workspaces). You can also use the workspace_url here.
cloud String True Cloud provider (Azure/AWS/GCP).
primordial_date String True The date from which Overwatch will capture the details. The format should be yyyy-MM-dd ex: 2022-05-20 == May 20 2022. **IMPORTANT NOTE: ** You should only set the primordial date in the initial run of Overwatch, and never change it again, as Overwatch will progress the dates using it’s own calculations and checkpoints.
storage_prefix String True CASE SENSITIVE - Lower Case The location in which Overwatch will store the data. You can think of this as the Overwatch working directory. dbfs:/mnt/path/… or abfss://… or s3://myBucket/… or gs://myBucket/…
etl_database_name String True The name of the ETL data base for Overwatch (i.e. overwatch_etl or custom)
consumer_database_name String True The name of the Consumer database for Overwatch. (i.e. overwatch or custom)
secret_scope String True Name of the secret scope. This must be created on the workspace which the Overwatch job will execute.
secret_key_dbpat String True This will contain the PAT token of the workspace. The key should be present in the secret_scope and should start with the letters dapi.
auditlogprefix_source_path String True For all clouds use keyword system to fetch data from System Tables (system.access.audit) See System Table Configuration Details for details. If you are not using System Tables, you can enter the location of the auditlogs (AWS/GCP Only). The contents under this directory must have the folders with the date partitions like date=2022-12-0 .
interactive_dbu_price Double True Contract (or list) Price for interactive DBUs. The provided template has the list prices by default.
automated_dbu_price Double True Contract (or list) Price for automated DBUs. The provided template has the list prices by default.
sql_compute_dbu_price Double True Contract (or list) Price for DBSQL DBUs. This should be the closest average price across your DBSQL Skus (classic / Pro / Serverless) for now. See Custom Costs for more details. The provided template has the DBSQL Classic list prices by default.
jobs_light_dbu_price Double True Contract (or list) Price for interactive DBUs. The provided template has the list prices by default.
max_days Integer True This is the max incrementals days that will be loaded. Usually only relevant for historical loading and rebuilds. Recommendation == 30
excluded_scopes String False Scopes that should not be excluded from the pipelines. Since this is a CSV, it’s critical that these are colon delimited. Leave blank if you’d like to load all overwatch scopes.
active Boolean True Whether or not the workspace should be validated / deployed.
proxy_host String False Proxy url for the workspace.
proxy_port String False Proxy port for the workspace
proxy_user_name String False Proxy user name for the workspace.
proxy_password_scope String False Scope which contains the proxy password key.
proxy_password_key String False Key which contains proxy password.
success_batch_size Integer False API Tunable - Indicates the size of the buffer on filling of which the result will be written to a temp location. This is used to tune performance in certain circumstances. Leave default except for special circumstances. Default == 200
error_batch_size Integer False API Tunable - Indicates the size of the error writer buffer containing API call errors. This is used to tune performance in certain circumstances. Leave default except for special circumstances. Default == 500
enable_unsafe_SSL Boolean False API Tunable - Enables unsafe SSL. Default == False
thread_pool_size Integer False API Tunable - Max number of API calls Overwatch is allowed to make in parallel. Default == 4. Increase for faster bronze but if workspace is busy, risks API endpoint saturation. Overwatch will detect saturation and back-off when detected but for safety never go over 8 without testing.
api_waiting_time Long False API Tunable - Overwatch makes async api calls in parallel, api_waiting_time signifies the max wait time in case of no response received from the api call. Default = 300000(5 minutes)
mount_mapping_path String False Path to local CSV holding details of all mounts on remote workspaces (only necessary for remote workspaces with >50 mounts) click here for more details
temp_dir_path String False Custom temporary working directory, directory gets cleaned up after each run.

Azure Event Hub Specific Configurations

When configuring the Azure EH configurations users can use EITHER a shared access key OR AAD SP as of 072x to authenticate to the EH. Below are the required configurations for each auth method. One of the options for Azure deployments must be used as EH is required for Azure.

Shared Access Key Requirements Review Authorizing Access Via SAS Policy for more details.

Column Type IsRequired Description
eh_name String True (AZURE) Event hub name (Azure Only) The event hub will contain the audit logs of the workspace
eh_scope_key String True (AZURE) Name of the key in the <secret_scope> that holds the connection string to the Event Hub WITH THE SHARED ACCESS KEY IN IT – See EH Configuration for details

AAD Requirements

Review Authorizing Access Via AAD SPN for more details.

Ensure the dependent library for AAD Auth is attached

Column Type IsRequired Description
eh_name String True (AZURE) Event hub name The event hub will contain the audit logs of the workspace
eh_conn_string String True (AZURE) Event hub connection string without shared access key. ex: “Endpoint=sb://”
aad_tenant_id String True (AZURE) Tenant ID for Service principle.
aad_client_id String True (AZURE) Client ID for Service principle.
aad_client_secret_key String True (AZURE) Name of the key in the <secret_scope> that holds the SPN secret for the Service principle.
aad_authority_endpoint String True (AZURE) Endpoint of the authority. Default value is “"

AS OF version you may now use a CSV OR a Delta Table OR Delta Path for your config

We heard you! Customers want to set up their initial config as a CSV to get all their workspaces configured but once they’re configured it’s challenging to make small edits. Now you can convert your initial CSV to delta and instead of referencing the path to a config.csv file instead reference a delta table or delta path to the location of your config. This allows for simple update statements to switch records from active == true to active == false or quickly disable scopes, etc. Below are the details of how to reference the relevant path and some code to quickly and safely convert your CSV to a delta source. To do so just upgrade to and everywhere the docs reference the config.csv switch it to reference the appropriate path.

Source Config Format Path Reference
CSV dbfs:/myPath/overwatch/configs/prod_config.csv
Delta Table database.overwatch_prod_config
Delta Path dbfs:/myPath/overwatch/configs/prod_config

Convert To Delta Table (Example)
  .option("header", "true")
  .option("ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace", true)
  .option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", true)

Convert To Delta Path (Example)
  .option("header", "true")
  .option("ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace", true)
  .option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", true)