Pipeline Validation


Overwatch provides a special pipeline validation module to perform a number of data quality, data completeness, and referential integrity checks on its output. Pipeline validation may run as frequently as the regularly scheduled, automated Overwatch ETL pipeline runs/deployments or manually as a notebook command. It is used by the Overwatch maintainers to guard against data quality regressions when extending and enhancing Overwatch’s internal logic. Similarly, we are encouraging users to apply this tool to their deployments to provide data quality readouts and to assist with customer issue resolution. This page describes its functionality in detail and how to add a pipeline validation step to an Overwatch workflow.

Logical Flow

Here is the high-level logical flow of the Pipeline Validation module:


  1. All workflow tasks of an Overwatch pipeline deployment run to completion.

  2. An additional workflow task executes the Pipeline Validation module.

  3. A health check report for the pipeline is generated with a record for each check that was performed.

  4. Upon failure of any validation check, a snapshot of records that caused the failure are moved to a quarantine zone for debugging purpose.

The pipeline validation module is designed to perform its checks on records that it has not already validated in a previous run to avoid redundant validation checks. Given that validation has completed normally following a previous Overwatch pipeline deployment, only new records produced in one or more subsequent deployments are subject to validation.

Validation reports

Running the validation module produces two types of records:

  • Health check reports
  • Quarantine reports

Heath check reports

Each validation run produces one or more records in the pipeline health check report for each health check rule according to the number of Overwatch ETL tables associated with that rule. Each record contains a reference to the corresponding Overwatch ETL run and its snapshot timestamp.

The schema of a health check report is as follows:

Column Name Type Description Example Value
healthcheck_id uuid Unique ID for this Healthcheck_Report record 272b83eb-1362-456a-8dae-26c3083181ac
etl_database string Overwatch ETL database name ow_etl_azure_0721
table_name string Overwatch ETL table name clusterstatefact_gold
healthcheck_rule string Description of health check rule applied to the table data Driver_Node_Type_ID Should Not be NULL
rule_type string Type of validation rule (See enumerated values below.) Pipeline_Report_Validation
healthcheckMsg string health check status of the table data for this health check rule health check Failed: got 63 driver_node_type_ids which are null
overwatch_runID string Overwatch run ID of the corresponding snapshot b8985023d6ae40fa88bb6daef7f46725
snap_ts long Snapshot timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format 2023-09-27 07:43:39
quarantine_id uuid Unique ID for Quarantine Report cd6d7ecc-b72d-4c16-b8ca-01a6df4fba9c

Quarantine reports

Table rows that do not satisfy the rules configured in the pipeline validation module appear in the quarantine report using this schema:

Column Name Type Description Example Value
quarantine_id uuid Unique ID for this Quarantine_Report record cd6d7ecc-b72d-4c16-b8ca-01a6df4fba9c
etl_database string Overwatch ETL database name ow_etl_azure_0721
table_name string Overwatch table name clusterstatefact_gold
healthcheck_rule_failed string Description of health check rule causing the row having keys to be quarantined Driver_Node_Type_ID Should Not be NULL
rule_type string Type of validation rule (See enumerated values below.) Pipeline_Report_Validation
healthcheck_type string Denote the failure type of the health check rule. Warning or Failure
keys string JSON of primary (possibly compound) key value {“cluster_id”:“0831-200003-6bhv8y0u”,“state”:“TERMINATING”,“unixTimeMS_state_start”:1693514245329}
snap_ts long Snapshot timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format 2023-09-27 07:43:39

These reports are persisted to cloud storage as Delta tables. The output of the validation module reveals the location of these tables as shown withing the stack trace in the following screenshot:

Report StackTrace

Rule types

The rule_type field mentioned in the Heath Check Report schema above currently has three possible values:

  1. 'Pipeline_Report_Validation'
  2. 'Single_Table_Validation'
  3. 'Cross_Table_Validation'

By default the validation module applies health check rules of all three rule types. Rules may applied selectively by providing parameters to the module. More on this will be discussed in a later section.

The following sections describe each of these rule types in detail.

Pipeline report validation

This rule type validates records in the Overwatch pipeline_report table.

This rule type has two healthcheck_rule values:

  • 'Check If Any Module is EMPTY'
  • 'Check If Any Module is FAILED'

Single-table validation

The healthCheck_rules with this rule_type would be applied to single table. Basically it will check data quality of single tables. Currently, below tables are in scope of this rule type:

  • clusterstatefact_gold
  • jobruncostpotentialfact_gold
  • cluster_gold
  • sparkjob_gold
  • sql_query_history_gold
  • jobrun_gold
  • job_gold

Different health check rules are defined for the following tables:


  • cluster_id should not be null
  • driver_node_type_id should not be null
  • node_type_id should not be null for multi-node cluster
  • dbu_rate should be greater than zero for runtime engine is standard or photon
  • total_cost should be greater than zero for Databricks billable
  • check whether any single cluster state is running for multiple days


  • job_id should not be null
  • driver_node_type_id should not be null
  • job_run_cluster_util_value should not be more than one
  • check whether any job is running for multiple days


  • cluster_id should not be null
  • driver_node_type_id should not be null
  • node_type_id should not be null for multi-node cluster
  • cluster_type should be between serverless, SQL analytics, single-node, standard, high-concurrency


  • cluster_id should not be null
  • job_id should not be null
  • db_id_in_job should not be null when db_job_id is not null


  • warehouse_id should not be null
  • query_id should not be null


  • job_id should not be null
  • run_id should not be null
  • job_run_id should not be null
  • task_run_id should not be null
  • cluster_id should not be null


  • job_id should not be null
  • action should be one of snapimpute, create, reset, update, delete, resetJobAcl, or changeJobAcl

Cross-table validation

The health check rules for this rule type are applied to two or more tables. This rule type is used to validate data consistency across tables.

This rule type has the following healthcheck_rule values:

  • job_id present in jobrun_gold but not in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold
  • job_id present in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold but not in jobrun_gold
  • cluster_id present in jobrun_gold but not in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold
  • cluster_id present in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold but not in jobrun_gold
  • notebook_id present in notebook_gold but not in notebookcommands_gold
  • notebook_id present in notebookcommands_gold but not in notebook_gold
  • cluster_id present in clusterstatefact_gold but not in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold
  • cluster_id present in jobruncostpotentialfact_gold but not in clusterstatefact_gold
  • cluster_id present in cluster_gold but not in clusterstatefact_gold
  • cluster_id present in clusterstatefact_gold but not in cluster_gold

Pipeline Validation Workflow Integration

Currently the pipeline validation module runs in a Databricks notebook cell. Therefore workflow integration requires adding a notebook task. Running as JAR task as the regular pipeline deployment does is planned as a future enhancement. Its execution starts with default behavior by calling the PipelineValidation() method with the name of the target ETL database as its sole mandatory parameter:

PipelineValidation( "overwatch_etl")

The module’s behavior can be altered by providing one or more of the following optional parameters:

Parameter Type Optional Default Value Description
etlDB string No NA Overwatch ETL database name to validate
allRun boolean Yes true Validate all runs in pipeline_report?
table array Yes [] Subset of default tables to validate.
crossTableValidation Boolean Yes true Perform Cross Table Validation?

Below are example pipeline validation runs, first with default behavior followed by demonstrations of the optional paramaters.

Default behavior

val etlDB = "overwatch_etl"

PipelineValidation( etlDB)

Default Run Here we can see from the above screenshot that:

  • Performs validation on all runs present in the pipeline_report table.

  • Performs single-table validation for all pre-defined target tables.

  • Performs cross-table validation for all pre-defined table pairs.

Restrict validation to unvalidated runs

PipelineValidation( etlDB, allRun = false)

All Run

  • Performs validation only on runs in the pipeline_report table not previously validated.

  • Performs single-table validation for all pre-defined target tables.

  • Performs cross-table validation for all pre-defined table pairs.

Restrict validation to a subset of tables

  table = Array(


  • Performs validation on all runs present in the pipeline_report table.

  • Performs single-table validation for the specified subset of target tables.

  • Performs cross-table validation.

Disable cross-table validation

  table = Array(
  crossTableValidation = false)


  • Performs validation on all runs present in the pipeline_report table.

  • Performs single-table validation for the specified subset of target tables.

  • Disables cross-table validation.