
Moving To Production

When you’re ready to move to production, there are a few things to keep in mind and best practices to follow to get the most out of Overwatch

Cluster Logging

Simplify and Unify your cluster logging directories

  • Many users forget to enable cluster logging and without it Overwatch cannot provide usage telemetry by notebook, job, user so it’s critical that all clusters have clusters logs enabled
  • If users are allowed to create clusters/jobs without any governance, log files will be produced and stored all over the place. These will be very challenging to clean up and can eat up a significant amount of storage over time.
  • Utilize cluster policies to ensure the logging location is always set and done so consistently
  • Set up a lifecycle policy (i.e. TTL) on your cluster logging directory in your cloud storage so the logs don’t pile up indefinitely. Suggested time to live time is 30 days.


Perform Bronze Backups I know we don’t hear a lot about backups in big data world but often times the cluster logs and / or the audit logs are transient (especially Azure deployments as Event Hub only maintains 7 days). This means that if something happened to the bronze data your Overwatch history could be lost forever. To guard against this it’s strongly recommended that you periodically backup the Bronze data. As of this has been made very easy through the snapshot helper function.

Now just schedule a notebook like this to run once a week and you’ll always have at 1 week of backups

import com.databricks.labs.overwatch.pipeline.Bronze
import com.databricks.labs.overwatch.utils.Helpers
val workspace = Helpers.getWorkspaceByDatabase("overwatch_etl") // can be used after pipeline is running successfully

// alternative method for getting a workspace is 
// import com.databricks.labs.overwatch.pipeline.Initializer
// val workspace = Initializer("""<compact config string>""")

// simple method
Bronze(workspace).snapshot("/path/to/my/backups/sourceFolder", true)

// alternative method with more customized configs
  targetPrefix = "/path/to/my/backups/sourceFolder",
  overwrite = true,
  excludes = Array("audit_log_raw_events", "clusters_snapshot_bronze") // not recommended but here for example purposes

Overwrite Option

Note that the snapshot function performs a deep clone for all bronze tables except the tables in the excludes array. As such, these are complete backups each time. If the overwrite option is set to true you will have a backup created each run but it will be replaced on each subsequent run. If you would like to maintain more than one backup you must set overwrite = false. If you set overwrite to false, you may want to consider a cleanup function to ensure you don’t have 52 copies of bronze per year (assuming 1X / week).

Alerting On Failures

Overwatch modules are designed to fail softly. This means that if your silver jobs module fails the job will still succeed but the silver jobs module will not progress and neither will any downstream modules that depend on it. To be alerted when a specific module fails you need to configure a DBSQL alert to monitor the pipReport output and fire an alert when conditions are met.

How To Set Up Module Level Alerting

Documentation in progress – publishing soon