dbldatagen.distributions.data_distribution module

This file defines the base class for statistical distributions

Each inherited version of the DataDistribution object is used to generate random numbers drawn from a specific distribution.

As the test data generator needs to scale the set of values generated across different data ranges, the generate function is intended to generate values scaled to values between 0 and 1.

AS some distributions don’t have easily predicted bounds, we scale the random data sets by taking the minimum and maximum value of each generated data set and using that as the range for the generated data.

For some distributions, there may be alternative more efficient mechanisms for scaling the data to the [0, 1] interval.

Some data distributions are scaled to the [0,1] interval as part of their data generation and no further scaling is needed.

class DataDistribution[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all distributions


Generate sample of data for distribution


random samples from distribution scaled to values between 0 and 1

static get_np_random_generator(random_seed)[source]

Get numpy random number generator


random_seed – Numeric random seed to use. If < 0, then no random


property randomSeed

get the randomSeed attribute

property rounding

get the rounding attribute


Create copy of object and set the random seed attribute


seed – random generator seed value to set. Should be integer, float or None


new instance of data distribution object with rounding set


Create copy of object and set the rounding attribute


rounding – rounding value to set. Should be True or False


new instance of data distribution object with rounding set