Quick and easy dataset generation with Standard Datasets (Experimental)

The standard dataset mechanism is a new pluggable framework for generation of data generation patterns using predefined data set definitions.

Standard datasets are provided by the registration of dataset provider classes with the standard dataset mechanism. These classes provide a mechanism for generating data frames with a data generation pattern (and optionally, a specific schema).

They can provide:
  • Preconfigured data generator instances that will produce data once the build() method is called. These data generation specifications are produced via invoking the Datasets.get() method.

  • Associated tables or datasets that will produce prebuilt dataframes that can be used in conjunction with the preconfigured data generation instances. The are produced via invoking the Datasets.getAssociatedDataset() method.

  • Multiple named tables generators and associated datasets.

The overall goal is to allow provision of pre-canned definitions for data analysis and ML use cases such as benchmarks, datasets needed to explore common optimizations and architectural patterns, datasets needed for open competition style problems and to provide a convenient starting point for data generation.

As the main Datasets.get() mechanism produces a Data Generator object, it can be further customized through addition of further columns, constraints, or modification of existing columns.

The role of the associated datasets can vary - they may provide lookup data to be used in conjunction with the data generation instances produced, they may run a benchmark or validation over other datasets passed as parameters, or provide summary derived data from the data produced by the data generation instances.


In keeping with the varied roles of the associated datasets, the associated datasets may be retrieved using one of several methods to get the dataframes in a way that is self descriptive. The methods are:

  • Datasets.getAssociatedDataset() - returns a dataframe based on the supplied parameters and provider logic

  • Datasets.getSupportingDataset() - alias for Datasets.getAssociatedDataset()

  • Datasets.getCombinedDataset() - alias for Datasets.getAssociatedDataset()

  • Datasets.getEnrichedDataset() - alias for Datasets.getAssociatedDataset()

  • Datasets.getSummaryDataset() - alias for Datasets.getAssociatedDataset()

The method names are intended to be self descriptive and to provide a clear indication of the role of the associated usage, but they are all aliases of getAssociatedDataset() and can be used interchangeably.

The standard datasets are also self documenting so that you can dynamically see what standard datasets are available, find further details of datasets and their data.

Simple use

For the simplest use, you can simply select a standard dataset and generate a data frame from it.

import dbldatagen as df
df = dg.Datasets(spark, "basic/user").get().build()

In this case, the provider determines a default number of rows and partitions to generate.

Customizing rows and partitions

You can pass arguments such as rows and partitions to the get() method to customize the number of rows and partitions in the generated data frame.

import dbldatagen as dg
df = dg.Datasets(spark, "basic/user").get(rows=1000, partitions=2).build()

These options are supported by all standard datasets.

Passing additional options

Specific dataset providers may support additional options that can be passed to the get() method.

For example the basic/user dataset supports the dummyValues option to specify the number of dummy values to generate when a wider rows size is needed.

import dbldatagen as dg
df = dg.Datasets(spark, "basic/user").get(rows=1000, partitions=2, dummyValues=10).build()

Listing available datasets

The Datasets class provides a method list() that can be used to list the available datasets.

The following example lists available datasets that start with the prefix basic and support streaming usage.

import dbldatagen as dg
dg.Datasets.list(pattern="basic.*", supportsStreaming=True)

Getting details of a dataset

The Datasets class provides a method describe() that can be used to describe a particular dataset. The following example describes the basic/user dataset.

import dbldatagen as dg

Multi-table use

You can use the multi-table provider capabilities to generate multiple datasets that can then be used in collaboratively to generate data for common architectural patterns.

The following example gets the datasets and joins them as described in the multi-table section of the documentation. This can be useful for benchmarking of joins.

import dbldatagen as dg

multiTableDS = dg.Datasets(spark, "multi_table/telephony")
options = {"numPlans": 50, "numCustomers": 100}

dfPlans = multiTableDS.get(table="plans", **options).build()
dfCustomers = multiTableDS.get(table="customers", **options).build()
dfDeviceEvents = multiTableDS.get(table="deviceEvents", **options).build()

dfInvoices = multiTableDS.getSummaryDataset(table="invoices",

Notes for developers

To implement a dataset provider, you need to create a class that extends the DatasetProvider class and implements the getTableGenerator and getAssociatedDataset methods.

The simplest way to declare the needed metadata is to use the @dataset_provider decorator. Use the option autoRegister=True to automatically register the dataset provider with the standard dataset mechanism.

See the BasicUserProvider and MultiTableTelephonyProvider dataset provider implementations in the datasets package for examples.


Implementing a dataset provider only requires implementing the getTableGenerator and getAssociatedDataset methods.

The get method is provided by the Datasets class and should not be overridden.

All of the aliased methods are mapped automatically to the getAssociatedDataset method.