Source code for dbldatagen.text_generators

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This file defines various text generation classes and methods

import math
import random

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#: list of hex digits for template generation
_HEX_LOWER = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

#: list of upper case hex digits for template generation
_HEX_UPPER = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']

#: list of non-zero digits for template generation
_DIGITS_NON_ZERO = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']

#: list of digits for template generation
_DIGITS_ZERO = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']

#: list of uppercase letters for template generation
_LETTERS_UPPER = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
                  'Q', 'R', 'T', 'S', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']

#: list of lowercase letters for template generation
_LETTERS_LOWER = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
                  'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']

#: list of all letters uppercase and lowercase

#: list of alphanumeric chars in lowercase

#: list of alphanumeric chars in uppercase

""" words for ipsum lorem based text generation"""
_WORDS_LOWER = ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit', 'sed', 'do',
                'eiusmod', 'tempor', 'incididunt', 'ut', 'labore', 'et', 'dolore', 'magna', 'aliqua', 'ut',
                'enim', 'ad', 'minim', 'veniam', 'quis', 'nostrud', 'exercitation', 'ullamco', 'laboris',
                'nisi', 'ut', 'aliquip', 'ex', 'ea', 'commodo', 'consequat', 'duis', 'aute', 'irure', 'dolor',
                'in', 'reprehenderit', 'in', 'voluptate', 'velit', 'esse', 'cillum', 'dolore', 'eu', 'fugiat',
                'nulla', 'pariatur', 'excepteur', 'sint', 'occaecat', 'cupidatat', 'non', 'proident', 'sunt',
                'in', 'culpa', 'qui', 'officia', 'deserunt', 'mollit', 'anim', 'id', 'est', 'laborum']

                'EIUSMOD', 'TEMPOR', 'INCIDIDUNT', 'UT', 'LABORE', 'ET', 'DOLORE', 'MAGNA', 'ALIQUA', 'UT',
                'NISI', 'UT', 'ALIQUIP', 'EX', 'EA', 'COMMODO', 'CONSEQUAT', 'DUIS', 'AUTE', 'IRURE',
                'PROIDENT', 'SUNT', 'IN', 'CULPA', 'QUI', 'OFFICIA', 'DESERUNT', 'MOLLIT', 'ANIM', 'ID', 'EST',

[docs]class TextGenerator(object): """ Base class for text generation classes """ def __init__(self): self._randomSeed = 42 self._rngInstance = None def __repr__(self): return f"TextGenerator(randomSeed={self._randomSeed})" def __str__(self): return f"TextGenerator(randomSeed={self._randomSeed})" def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and self._randomSeed == other._randomSeed
[docs] def withRandomSeed(self, seed): """ Set the random seed for the text generator :param seed: seed value to set :return: self """ assert seed is None or type(seed) is int, "expecting an integer seed for Text Generator" self._randomSeed = seed return self
@property def randomSeed(self): """ Get random seed for text generator""" return self._randomSeed
[docs] def getNPRandomGenerator(self, forceNewInstance=False): """ Get numpy random number generator :return: returns random number generator initialized from previously supplied random seed """ assert self._randomSeed is None or type(self._randomSeed) in [int, np.int32, np.int64], \ f"`random_seed` must be int or int-like not {type(self._randomSeed)}" if self._rngInstance is not None and not forceNewInstance: return self._rngInstance from numpy.random import default_rng if self._randomSeed is not None and self._randomSeed not in (-1, -1.0): rng = default_rng(seed=self._randomSeed) else: rng = default_rng() if not forceNewInstance: self._rngInstance = rng return rng
[docs] @staticmethod def compactNumpyTypeForValues(listValues): """ determine smallest numpy type to represent values :param listValues: list or np.ndarray of values to get np.dtype for :return: np.dtype that is most compact representation for values provided """ if type(listValues) is list: max_value_represented = np.max(np.array(listValues).flatten()) else: max_value_represented = np.max(listValues.flatten()) + 1 bits_required = math.ceil(math.log2(max_value_represented)) if bits_required <= 8: # for small values, use byte representation retval = np.dtype('B') else: # compute bytes required and raise to nearest power of 2 bytesRequired = int(math.ceil(bits_required / 8.0)) retval = np.dtype(f"u{bytesRequired}") return retval
[docs] @staticmethod def getAsTupleOrElse(v, defaultValue, valueName): """ get value v as tuple or return default value :param v: value to test :param defaultValue: value to use as a default if value of `v` is None. Must be a tuple. :param valueName: name of value for debugging and logging purposes :returns: return `v` as tuple if not `None` or value of `default_v` if `v` is `None`. If `v` is a single value, returns the tuple (`v`, `v`)""" assert v is None or type(v) is int or type(v) is tuple, f"param {valueName} must be an int, a tuple or None" assert type(defaultValue) is tuple and len(defaultValue) == 2, "default value must be tuple" if type(v) is int: return v, v elif type(v) is tuple: assert len(v) == 2, "expecting tuple of length 2" assert type(v[0]) is int and type(v[1]) is int, "expecting tuple with both elements as integers" return v else: assert len(defaultValue) == 2, "must have list or iterable with lenght 2" assert type(defaultValue[0]) is int and type(defaultValue[1]) is int, "all elements must be integers" return defaultValue
[docs]class TemplateGenerator(TextGenerator): # lgtm [py/missing-equals] """This class handles the generation of text from templates :param template: template string to use in text generation :param escapeSpecialChars: By default special chars in the template have special meaning if unescaped If set to true, then the special meaning requires escape char ``\\`` :param extendedWordList: if provided, use specified word list instead of default word list The template generator generates text from a template to allow for generation of synthetic account card numbers, VINs, IBANs and many other structured codes. The base value is passed to the template generation and may be used in the generated text. The base value is the value the column would have if the template generation had not been applied. It uses the following special chars: ========== ====================================== Chars Meaning ========== ====================================== ``\\`` Apply escape to next char. v0,v1,..v9 Use base value as an array of values and substitute the `nth` element ( 0 .. 9). Always escaped. x Insert a random lowercase hex digit X Insert an uppercase random hex digit d Insert a random lowercase decimal digit D Insert an uppercase random decimal digit a Insert a random lowercase alphabetical character A Insert a random uppercase alphabetical character k Insert a random lowercase alphanumeric character K Insert a random uppercase alphanumeric character n Insert a random number between 0 .. 255 inclusive. This option must always be escaped N Insert a random number between 0 .. 65535 inclusive. This option must always be escaped w Insert a random lowercase word from the ipsum lorem word set. Always escaped W Insert a random uppercase word from the ipsum lorem word set. Always escaped ========== ====================================== .. note:: If escape is used and`escapeSpecialChars` is False, then the following char is assumed to have no special meaning. If the `escapeSpecialChars` option is set to True, then the following char only has its special meaning when preceded by an escape. Some options must be always escaped for example ``\\v``, ``\\n`` and ``\\w``. A special case exists for ``\\v`` - if immediately followed by a digit 0 - 9, the underlying base value is interpreted as an array of values and the nth element is retrieved where `n` is the digit specified. In all other cases, the char itself is used. The setting of the `escapeSpecialChars` determines how templates generate data. If set to False, then the template ``r"\\dr_\\v"`` will generate the values ``"dr_0"`` ... ``"dr_999"`` when applied to the values zero to 999. This conforms to earlier implementations for backwards compatibility. If set to True, then the template ``r"dr_\\v"`` will generate the values ``"dr_0"`` ... ``"dr_999"`` when applied to the values zero to 999. This conforms to the preferred style going forward """ def __init__(self, template, escapeSpecialChars=False, extendedWordList=None): assert template is not None, "`template` must be specified" super().__init__() self._template = template self._escapeSpecialMeaning = bool(escapeSpecialChars) self._templates = self._splitTemplates(self._template) self._wordList = np.array(extendedWordList if extendedWordList is not None else _WORDS_LOWER) self._upperWordList = np.array([x.upper() for x in extendedWordList] if extendedWordList is not None else _WORDS_UPPER) self._np_digits_zero = np.array(_DIGITS_ZERO) self._np_digits_non_zero = np.array(_DIGITS_NON_ZERO) self._np_hex_upper = np.array(_HEX_UPPER) self._np_hex_lower = np.array(_HEX_LOWER) self._np_alnum_lower = np.array(_ALNUM_LOWER) self._np_alnum_upper = np.array(_ALNUM_UPPER) self._np_letters_lower = np.array(_LETTERS_LOWER) self._np_letters_upper = np.array(_LETTERS_UPPER) self._np_letters_all = np.array(_LETTERS_ALL) self._lenWords = len(self._wordList) # mappings must be mapping from string to tuple(length of mappings, mapping array or list) self._templateMappings = { 'a': (26, self._np_letters_lower), 'A': (26, self._np_letters_upper), 'x': (16, self._np_hex_lower), 'X': (16, self._np_hex_upper), 'd': (10, self._np_digits_zero), 'D': (9, self._np_digits_non_zero), 'k': (36, self._np_alnum_lower), 'K': (36, self._np_alnum_upper) } # ensure that each mapping is mapping from string to list or numpy array for k, v in self._templateMappings.items(): assert (k is not None) and isinstance(k, str) and len(k) > 0, "key must be non-empty string" assert v is not None and isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) == 2, "value must be tuple of length 2" mapping_length, mappings = v assert isinstance(mapping_length, int), "mapping length must be of type int" assert isinstance(mappings, (list, np.ndarray)),\ "mappings are lists or numpy arrays" assert mapping_length == 0 or len(mappings) == mapping_length, "mappings must match mapping_length" self._templateEscapedMappings = { 'n': (256, None), 'N': (65536, None), 'w': (self._lenWords, self._wordList), 'W': (self._lenWords, self._upperWordList) } # ensure that each escaped mapping is mapping from string to None, list or numpy array for k, v in self._templateEscapedMappings.items(): assert (k is not None) and isinstance(k, str) and len(k) > 0, "key must be non-empty string" assert v is not None and isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) == 2, "value must be tuple of length 2" mapping_length, mappings = v assert isinstance(mapping_length, int), "mapping length must be of type int" assert mappings is None or isinstance(mappings, (list, np.ndarray)),\ "mappings are lists or numpy arrays" # for escaped mappings, the mapping can be None in which case the mapping is to the number itself # i.e mapping[4] = 4 assert mappings is None or len(mappings) == mapping_length, "mappings must match mapping_length" # get the template metadata - this will be list of metadata entries for each template # for each template, metadata will be tuple of number of placeholders followed by list of random bounds # to be computed when replacing non static placeholder template_info = [self._prepareTemplateStrings(template, escapeSpecialMeaning=escapeSpecialChars) for template in self._templates] self._max_placeholders = max([ x[0] for x in template_info]) # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator self._max_rnds_needed = max([ len(x[1]) for x in template_info]) # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator self._placeholders_needed = [ x[0] for x in template_info] self._template_rnd_bounds = [ x[1] for x in template_info] def __repr__(self): return f"TemplateGenerator(template='{self._template}')" def _splitTemplates(self, templateStr): """ Split template string into individual template strings :param templateStr: template string :return: list of individual template strings """ tmp_template = templateStr.replace(r'\\', '$__escape__').replace(r'\|', '$__sep__') results = [x.replace('$__escape__', r'\\').replace('$__sep__', '|') for x in tmp_template.split('|')] return results @property def templates(self): """ Get effective templates for text generator""" return self._templates def _getRandomInt(self, low, high=-1, rng=None): """ generate random integer between low and high inclusive :param low: low value, if no high value is specified, treat low value as high value and low of 0 :param high: high value for random number generation :param rng: if provided, an instance of a numpy random number generator :return: generated value """ if high == -1: high = low low = 0 if rng is not None: # numpy interval is different to ``randint`` return rng.integers(low, high + 1, dtype=np.int32) # use standard random for now as it performs better when generating values one at a time return random.randint(low, high) def _prepareTemplateStrings(self, genTemplate, escapeSpecialMeaning=False): """ Prepare list of random numbers needed to generate template in vectorized form :param genTemplate: template string to control text generation :param escapeSpecialMeaning: if True, requires escape on special meaning chars. :returns: tuple containing number of placeholders and vector of random values upper bounds The first element of the tuple is the number of placeholders needed to populate the template The second elememt is a vector of integer values which determine bounds for random number vector for template generation Each element of the vector will be used to generate a random number between 0 and the element inclusive, which is then used to select words from wordlists etc for template expansion `_escapeSpecialMeaning` parameter allows for backwards compatibility with old style syntax while allowing for preferred new style template syntax. Specify as True to force escapes for special meanings,. """ retval = [] escape = False use_value = False template_len = len(genTemplate) num_placeholders = 0 # in the following code, the construct `(not escape) ^ self._escapeSpecialMeaning` means apply # special meaning if either escape is not true or the option `self._escapeSpecialMeaning` is true. # This corresponds to the logical xor operation for i in range(0, template_len): char = genTemplate[i] following_char = genTemplate[i + 1] if i + 1 < template_len else None if char == '\\': escape = True elif use_value and ('0' <= char <= '9'): # val_index = int(char) # retval.append(str(baseValue[val_index])) num_placeholders += 1 use_value = False elif (char in self._templateMappings) and (not escape) ^ escapeSpecialMeaning: # handle case for ['a','A','k', 'K', 'x', 'X'] bound, mappingArr = self._templateMappings[char] retval.append(bound) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False elif (char in self._templateEscapedMappings) and escape: # handle case for ['n', 'N', 'w', 'W'] bound, mappingArr = self._templateEscapedMappings[char] retval.append(bound) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False elif char == 'v' and escape: escape = False if following_char is not None and ('0' <= following_char <= '9'): use_value = True else: num_placeholders += 1 # retval.append(str(baseValue)) elif char == 'V' and escape: # retval.append(str(baseValue)) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False else: # retval.append(char) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False if use_value: # retval.append(str(baseValue)) num_placeholders += 1 return num_placeholders, retval def _applyTemplateStringsForTemplate(self, baseValue, genTemplate, placeholders, rnds, escapeSpecialMeaning=False): """ Vectorized implementation of template driven text substitution Apply substitutions to placeholders using random numbers :param baseValue: Pandas series or data frame of base value for applying template :param genTemplate: template string to control text generation :param placeholders: masked nparray of type np.object_ pre-allocated to hold strings emitted :param rnds: masked numpy 2d array of random numbers needed for vectorized generation :param escapeSpecialMeaning: if True, requires escape on special meaning chars. :returns: placeholders The vectorized implementation populates the placeholder Numpy array with the substituted values. `_escapeSpecialMeaning` parameter allows for backwards compatibility with old style syntax while allowing for preferred new style template syntax. Specify as True to force escapes for special meanings,. .. note:: Both `placeholders` and `rnds` are numpy masked arrays. If there are multiple templates in the template generation source template, then this method will be called multiple times with each of the distinct templates passed and the `placeholders` and `rnds` arrays masked so that the each call will apply the template to rows to which that template applies. The template may be the empty string. """ assert baseValue.shape[0] == placeholders.shape[0] assert baseValue.shape[0] == rnds.shape[0] _cached_values = {} regularKeys = self._templateMappings.keys() escapedKeys = self._templateEscapedMappings.keys() def _get_values_as_np_array(): """Get baseValue which is pd.Series or Dataframe as a numpy array and cache it""" if "np_values" not in _cached_values: _cached_values["np_values"] = baseValue.to_numpy() return _cached_values["np_values"] def _get_values_subelement(elem): """Get element from base values as np array and cache it""" cache_key = f"v_{elem}" if cache_key not in _cached_values: np_values = _get_values_as_np_array() # element_values = [] element_values = np.ndarray(np_values.shape[0], dtype=np_values.dtype) for x in range(baseValue.shape[0]): # element_values.append(baseValue[x][elem]) element_values[x] = baseValue[x][elem] _cached_values[cache_key] = element_values return _cached_values[cache_key] escape = False use_value = False template_len = len(genTemplate) num_placeholders = 0 rnd_offset = 0 unmasked_rows = None # unmasked_rows is None, indicates that all rows are unmasked assert isinstance(placeholders,, "expecting MaskArray" # if template is empty, then nothing needs to be done if template_len > 0 and isinstance(placeholders, active_rows = ~placeholders.mask unmasked_rows = active_rows[:, 0] if np.all(active_rows): unmasked_rows = None # in the following code, the construct `(not escape) ^ self._escapeSpecialMeaning` means apply # special meaning if either escape is not true or the option `self._escapeSpecialMeaning` is true. # This corresponds to the logical xor operation for i in range(0, template_len): char = genTemplate[i] following_char = genTemplate[i + 1] if i + 1 < template_len else None if char == '\\': escape = True elif use_value and ('0' <= char <= '9'): val_index = int(char) placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = _get_values_subelement(val_index) # placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = pd_base_values.apply(lambda x: str(x[val_index])) num_placeholders += 1 use_value = False elif char in regularKeys and (not escape) ^ escapeSpecialMeaning: # note vectorized lookup - `rnds[:, rnd_offset]` will get vertical column of # random numbers from `rnds` 2d array bound, valueMappings = self._templateMappings[char] if unmasked_rows is not None: placeholders[unmasked_rows, num_placeholders] = valueMappings[rnds[unmasked_rows, rnd_offset]] else: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = valueMappings[rnds[:, rnd_offset]] num_placeholders += 1 rnd_offset = rnd_offset + 1 escape = False # used for retval.append(_HEX_LOWER[self._getRandomInt(0, 15, rndGenerator)]) elif char in escapedKeys and escape: bound, valueMappings = self._templateEscapedMappings[char] if valueMappings is not None: if unmasked_rows is not None: placeholders[unmasked_rows, num_placeholders] = valueMappings[rnds[unmasked_rows, rnd_offset]] else: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = valueMappings[rnds[:, rnd_offset]] else: if unmasked_rows is not None: placeholders[unmasked_rows, num_placeholders] = rnds[unmasked_rows, rnd_offset] else: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = rnds[:, rnd_offset] num_placeholders += 1 rnd_offset = rnd_offset + 1 # retval.append(str(self._getRandomInt(0, 255, rndGenerator))) escape = False elif char == 'v' and escape: escape = False if following_char is not None and ('0' <= following_char <= '9'): use_value = True else: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = _get_values_as_np_array() num_placeholders += 1 # retval.append(str(baseValue)) elif char == 'V' and escape: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = _get_values_as_np_array() # retval.append(str(baseValue)) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False else: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = char # retval.append(char) num_placeholders += 1 escape = False if use_value: placeholders[:, num_placeholders] = _get_values_as_np_array() # retval.append(str(baseValue)) num_placeholders += 1 return placeholders
[docs] def classicGenerateText(self, v): """entry point to use for classic udfs""" pdValues = pd.Series([v]) results = self.pandasGenerateText(pdValues) return results[0]
def _prepare_random_bounds(self, v): """ Prepare the random bounds for processing of the template expansion For each template, we will have a vector of random numbers to generate for expanding the template If we have multiple templates, there will be a separate vector of random numbers for each template :param v: Pandas series of values passed as base values :return: vector of templates chosen, template random bounds (1 for each substitution) and selected random numbers for each row (as numpy array) """ # choose templates num_templates = len(self.templates) assert num_templates >= 1, "Expecting at least 1 template" rng = self.getNPRandomGenerator() if num_templates > 1: # choose template at random from 0 .. num_templates templates_chosen = rng.integers(np.full(v.size, num_templates)) else: # always use template 0 templates_chosen = np.full(v.size, 0) # populate template random numbers template_rnd_bounds = np.full((v.size, self._max_rnds_needed), -1) masked_template_bounds =, mask=False) for i in range(num_templates): # assign the len_bounds_i = len(self._template_rnd_bounds[i]) masked_template_bounds[templates_chosen.T == i, 0:len_bounds_i] = self._template_rnd_bounds[i] masked_template_bounds[template_rnd_bounds == -1] = r_mask = masked_template_bounds.mask template_rnds = template_rnd_bounds.copy() template_rnds[~r_mask] = rng.integers(masked_template_bounds[~r_mask]) return templates_chosen, template_rnd_bounds, template_rnds
[docs] def pandasGenerateText(self, v): """ entry point to use for pandas udfs Implementation uses vectorized implementation of process :param v: Pandas series of values passed as base values :return: Pandas series of expanded templates """ # placeholders is numpy array used to hold results placeholders = np.full((v.shape[0], self._max_placeholders), '', dtype=np.object_) # prepare template selections, bounds, rnd values to drive application of algorithm template_choices, template_rnd_bounds, template_rnds = self._prepare_random_bounds(v) template_choices_t = template_choices.T # create masked arrays, with all elements initially masked # as we substitute template expansion, we'll mask and unmask rows corresponding to each template # calling the method to substitute the values on the masked placeholders masked_placeholders =, mask=False) masked_rnds =, mask=False) # masked_base_values =, mask=False) masked_matrices = [masked_placeholders, masked_rnds] # test logic for template expansion for x in range(len(self._templates)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate masked_placeholders[template_choices_t != x, :] = masked_rnds[template_choices_t != x, :] = # masked_base_values[template_choices_t != x] = # harden mask, preventing modifications for m in masked_matrices: # expand values into placeholders without affect masked values #self._applyTemplateStringsForTemplate(v.to_numpy(dtype=np.object_), #masked_base_values, self._applyTemplateStringsForTemplate(v, # masked_base_values, self._templates[x], masked_placeholders, masked_rnds, escapeSpecialMeaning=self._escapeSpecialMeaning ) # soften and clear mask, allowing modifications for m in masked_matrices: m.mask = False # join strings in placeholders output = pd.Series(list(placeholders)) results = output.apply(lambda placeholder_items: "".join([str(elem) for elem in placeholder_items])) return results
[docs]class ILText(TextGenerator): # lgtm [py/missing-equals] """ Class to generate Ipsum Lorem text paragraphs, words and sentences :param paragraphs: Number of paragraphs to generate. If tuple will generate random number in range :param sentences: Number of sentences to generate. If tuple will generate random number in tuple range :param words: Number of words per sentence to generate. If tuple, will generate random number in tuple range """ def __init__(self, paragraphs=None, sentences=None, words=None, extendedWordList=None): """ Initialize the ILText with text generation parameters """ assert paragraphs is not None or sentences is not None or words is not None, \ "At least one of the params `paragraphs`, `sentences` or `words` must be specified" super().__init__() self.paragraphs = self.getAsTupleOrElse(paragraphs, (1, 1), "paragraphs") self.words = self.getAsTupleOrElse(words, (2, 12), "words") self.sentences = self.getAsTupleOrElse(sentences, (1, 1), "sentences") self.wordList = extendedWordList if extendedWordList is not None else _WORDS_LOWER self.shape = [self.paragraphs[1], self.sentences[1], self.words[1]] # values needed for the text generation # numpy uses fixed sizes for strings , so compute whats needed self._npWords = np.array(self.wordList) self._processStats() self._processWordList() def _processStats(self): """ Compute the stats needed for the text generation """ vals = [self.paragraphs, self.sentences, self.words] self._textGenerationValues = np.array(vals, dtype=self.compactNumpyTypeForValues(vals)) self._minValues = self._textGenerationValues[:, 0] self._maxValues = self._textGenerationValues[:, 1] self._meanValues = np.mean(self._textGenerationValues, axis=1) # we want to force wider spread of sentence length, so we're not simply computing the std_deviation # - but computing a target std_dev that will spread sentence length self._stdVals = self._meanValues / 2 self._stdVals2 = np.std(self._textGenerationValues, axis=1) def _processWordList(self): """ Set up the word lists""" np_words = np.array(self.wordList, np.dtype(np.str_)) np_capitalized_words = np.char.capitalize(np_words[:]) all_words = np_words[:] self._wordOffsetSize = all_words.size self._sentenceEndOffset = all_words.size self._paragraphEnd = self._sentenceEndOffset + 1 self._wordSpaceOffset = self._paragraphEnd + 1 self._emptyStringOffset = self._wordSpaceOffset + 1 punctuation = [". ", "\n\n", " ", ""] all_words = np.concatenate((all_words, punctuation)) self._startOfCapitalsOffset = all_words.size all_words = np.concatenate((all_words, np_capitalized_words, punctuation)) # for efficiency, we'll create list of words preceded by spaces - it will reduce memory consumption during join # and array manipulation as we dont have to hold offset for space self._startOfSpacedWordsOffset = all_words.size np_spaced_words = np.array([" " + x for x in self.wordList], np.dtype(np.str_)) all_words = np.concatenate((all_words, np_spaced_words, punctuation)) # set up python list of all words so that we dont have to convert between numpy and python representations self._allWordsSize = all_words.size self._wordsAsPythonStrings = [str(x) for x in all_words] # get smallest type that can represent word offset self._wordOffsetType = self.compactNumpyTypeForValues([all_words.size * 2 + 10]) def __repr__(self): paras, sentences, words = self.paragraphs, self.sentences, self.words wl = self.wordList.__repr__ if self.wordList is not None else "None" return f"ILText(paragraphs={paras}, sentences={sentences}, words={words}, wordList={wl})"
[docs] def generateText(self, baseValues, rowCount=1): """ generate text for seed based on configuration parameters. As it uses numpy, repeatability is restricted depending on version of the runtime :param baseValues: list or array-like list of baseValues :param rowCount: number of rows :returns: list or Pandas series of generated strings of same size as input seed """ assert baseValues is not None, "`baseValues` param must be specified" rng = self.getNPRandomGenerator(forceNewInstance=True) word_offset_type = self._wordOffsetType stats_shape = [rowCount, self.paragraphs[1], self.sentences[1], 3] # determine counts of paragraphs, sentences and words stats_array = np.empty(stats_shape, dtype=self._textGenerationValues.dtype) para_stats_raw = np.round(rng.normal(self._meanValues, self._stdVals2, size=stats_shape)) para_stats = np.clip(para_stats_raw, self._minValues, self._maxValues, out=stats_array) # replicate paragraphs and sentences from first row of each paragraph through other elememnts # this is used to efficiently create mask for manipulating word offsets # after this every row will contain : # number of good paragraphs, number of good sentences, number of number of good words # for current sentence in current paragraph in outer rows collection para_stats[:, :, :, 0] = para_stats[:, :, 0, 0, np.newaxis] para_stats[:, :, :, 1] = para_stats[:, :, 0, 1, np.newaxis] # set up shape for arrays used to process word offsets # this will be masked so that we don't waste resources processing invalid paragraphs, sentences and words output_shape = (rowCount, self.paragraphs[1], self.sentences[1], self.words[1]) # compute the masks for paragraphs, sentences, and words # get the set of indices for shape - r = rows, p = paragraphs, s = sentences, w = words # the indices will produce a set of rows of values for each dimension # the mask is then produced by iterating comparing index with good value # for example - if number of good words is 3 and sentence is index array of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6] # then mask is produced via conditions indices <= good_word # note value of True means masked for numpy r, p, s, w = np.indices(output_shape) good_words = para_stats[:, :, :, 2] good_paragraphs = para_stats[:, :, :, 0] good_sentences = para_stats[:, :, :, 1] # build masks in each dimension and `or` them together words_mask = (w.T >= good_words.T).T para_mask = (p.T >= good_paragraphs.T).T sentences_mask = (s.T >= good_sentences.T).T final_mask = words_mask | para_mask | sentences_mask word_offsets = np.full(output_shape, dtype=word_offset_type, fill_value=self._emptyStringOffset) masked_offsets =, mask=final_mask) # note numpy random differs from standard random in that it never produces upper bound masked_offsets[~masked_offsets.mask] = rng.integers(self._wordOffsetSize, size=output_shape, dtype=self._wordOffsetType)[~masked_offsets.mask] # hardening a mask prevents masked values from being changed masked_offsets[:, :, :, 0] = masked_offsets[:, :, :, 0] + self._startOfCapitalsOffset masked_offsets[:, :, :, 1:] = masked_offsets[:, :, :, 1:] + self._startOfSpacedWordsOffset # add period to every sentence # we'll replicate column 0 in order to preserve the mask and fill unmasked entries # with the sentence end offset new_word_offsets = masked_offsets[:, :, :, 0][:] new_col = new_word_offsets[:, :, :, np.newaxis] terminated_word_offsets =, new_col), axis=3) new_column = terminated_word_offsets[:, :, :, -1] new_column[~new_column.mask] = self._sentenceEndOffset # reshape to paragraphs shape = terminated_word_offsets.shape paragraph_offsets = terminated_word_offsets.reshape((rowCount, shape[1], shape[2] * shape[3])) if self.paragraphs[1] > 1: # add paragraph terminator to every paragraph # we'll take a copy of the first column so as to preserve masking # i.e if first word of first sentence is masked, then end marker position should be masked new_word_offsets = paragraph_offsets[:, :, 0][:] new_col = new_word_offsets[:, :, np.newaxis] terminated_paragraph_offsets =, new_col), axis=2) # set the paragraph end marker on all paragraphs except last # new_masked_elements = terminated_paragraph_offsets[:,:,-1] new_column = terminated_paragraph_offsets[:, :, -1] new_column[~new_column.mask] = self._paragraphEnd else: terminated_paragraph_offsets = paragraph_offsets # reshape to rows containing word offset sequences. We'll join using pandas apply to avoid # memory issues with fixed strings in numpy shape = terminated_paragraph_offsets.shape terminated_paragraph_offsets = terminated_paragraph_offsets.reshape((rowCount, shape[1] * shape[2])) final_data = terminated_paragraph_offsets.filled(fill_value=self._emptyStringOffset) # its faster to manipulate text in data frames as numpy strings are fixed length all_python_words = self._wordsAsPythonStrings base_results = pd.DataFrame(final_data) # build our lambda expression, copying point to word list locally for efficiency empty_string_offsets = [self._emptyStringOffset, self._emptyStringOffset + self._startOfSpacedWordsOffset] mk_str_fn = lambda x: ("".join([all_python_words[x1] for x1 in x if x1 not in empty_string_offsets])).strip() # mk_str_fn = lambda x: ("".join([all_python_words[x1] for x1 in x ])) # ... and execute it results = base_results.apply(mk_str_fn, axis=1) return results
[docs] def classicGenerateText(self, v): """ classic udf entry point for text generation :param v: base value to control generation of random numbers """ return self.generateText([v], 1)[0]
[docs] def pandasGenerateText(self, v): """ pandas udf entry point for text generation :param v: pandas series of base values for random text generation :returns: Pandas series of generated strings """ rows = v.to_numpy() results = self.generateText(rows, rows.size) return pd.Series(results)