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Part of UCX is deployed as Databricks workflows to orchestrate steps of the migration process. You can view the status of deployed workflows through the workflows command and rerun failed workflows with the repair-run command.

Assessment workflow


The assessment workflow can be triggered using the Databricks UI or via the ensure-assessment-run command.

The assessment workflow retrieves - or crawls - details of workspace assets and securable objects in the Hive metastore relevant for upgrading to UC to assess the compatibility with UC. The crawl_ tasks retrieve assess and objects. The assess_ tasks assess the compatibility with UC. The output of each task is stored in the inventory database so that it can be used for further analysis and decision-making through the assessment report.

  1. crawl_tables: This task retrieves table definitions from the Hive metastore and persists the definitions in the tables table. The definitions include information such as:
    • Database/schema name
    • Table name
    • Table type
    • Table location
  2. crawl_udfs: This task retrieves UDF definitions from the Hive metastore and persists the definitions in the udfs table.
  3. setup_tacl: (Optimization) This task starts the tacl job cluster in parallel to other tasks.
  4. crawl_grants: This task retrieves privileges you can grant on Hive objects and persists the privilege definitions in the grants table The retrieved permission definitions include information such as:
    • Securable object: schema, table, view, (anonymous) function or any file.
    • Principal: user, service principal or group
    • Action type: grant, revoke or deny
  5. estimate_table_size_for_migration: This task analyzes the Delta table retrieved by crawl_tables to retrieve an estimate of their size and persists the table sizes in the table_size table. The table size support the decision for using the SYNC or CLONE table migration strategy.
  6. crawl_mounts: This task retrieves mount point definitions and persists the definitions in the mounts table.
  7. guess_external_locations: This task guesses shared mount path prefixes of external tables retrieved by crawl_tables that use mount points and persists the locations in the external_locations table. The goal is to identify the to-be created UC external locations.
  8. assess_jobs: This task retrieves the job definitions and persists the definitions in the jobs table. Job definitions may require updating to become UC compatible.
  9. assess_clusters: This task retrieves the clusters definitions and persists the definitions in the clusters table. Cluster definitions may require updating to become UC compatible.
  10. assess_pipelines: This task retrieves the Delta Live Tables (DLT) pipelines definitions and persists the definitions in the pipelines table. DLT definitions may require updating to become UC compatible.
  11. assess_incompatible_submit_runs : This task retrieves job runs, also known as job submit runs, and persists the definitions in the submit_runs table. Incompatibility with UC is assessed:
  12. crawl_cluster_policies : This tasks retrieves cluster policies and persists the policies in the policies table. Incompatibility with UC is assessed:
  13. assess_azure_service_principals: This tasks retrieves Azure service principal authentications information from Spark configurations to access storage accounts and persists these configuration information in azure_service_principals table. The Spark configurations from the following places are retrieved:
    • Clusters configurations
    • Cluster policies
    • Job cluster configurations
    • Pipeline configurations
    • Warehouse configuration
  14. assess_global_init_scripts: This task retrieves global init scripts and persists references to the scripts in the global_init_scripts table. Again, Azure service principal authentication information might be given in those scripts.
  15. workspace_listing : This tasks lists workspace files recursively to compile a collection of directories, notebooks, files, repos and libraries. The task uses multi-threading to parallelize the listing process for speeding up execution on big workspaces.
  16. crawl_permissions : This tasks retrieves workspace-local groups permissions and persists these permissions in the permissions table.
  17. crawl_groups: This tasks retrieves workspace-local groups and persists these permissions in the groups table.
  18. assess_dashboards: This task retrieves the dashboards to analyze their queries for migration problems
  19. assess_workflows: This task retrieves the jobs to analyze their notebooks and files for migration problems.

After UCX assessment workflow finished, see the assessment dashboard for findings and recommendations. See this guide for more details.


Proceed to the group migration workflow below or go back to the migration process diagram.

The UCX assessment workflow is designed to only run once, re-running will not update the existing results. If the inventory and findings for a workspace need to be updated then first reinstall UCX by uninstalling and installing it again.

Group migration workflow

You are required to complete the assessment workflow before starting the group migration workflow.

The group migration workflow does NOT CREATE account groups. In contrast to account groups, the (legacy) workspace-local groups cannot be assigned to additional workspaces or granted access to data in a Unity Catalog metastore. A Databricks admin assigns account groups to workspaces using identity federation to manage groups from a single place: your Databricks account. We expect UCX users to create account groups centrally while most other Databricks resources that UCX touches are scoped to a single workspace. For extra confidence, run validate-groups-membership command before running the group migration. If you do not have account groups matching groups in the workspace in which UCX is installed, you can run create-account-groups command before running the group migration workflow.

The group migration workflow is designed to migrate workspace-local groups to account-level groups. It verifies if the necessary groups are available to the workspace with the correct permissions, and removes unnecessary groups and permissions. The group migration workflow depends on the output of the assessment workflow, thus, should only be executed after a successful run of the assessment workflow. The group migration workflow may be executed multiple times.

  1. verify_metastore_attached: Verifies if a metastore is attached. Account level groups are only available when a metastore is attached. See assign-metastore command.
  2. rename_workspace_local_groups: This task renames workspace-local groups by adding a ucx-renamed- prefix. This step is taken to avoid conflicts with account groups that may have the same name as workspace-local groups.
  3. reflect_account_groups_on_workspace: This task adds matching account groups to this workspace. The matching account groups must exist for this step to be successful. This step is necessary to ensure that the account groups are available in the workspace for assigning permissions.
  4. apply_permissions_to_account_groups: This task assigns the full set of permissions of the original group to the account-level one. This step is necessary to ensure that the account-level groups have the necessary permissions to manage the entities in the workspace. It covers workspace-local permissions for all entities including:
    • Legacy Table ACLs
    • Entitlements
    • AWS instance profiles
    • Clusters
    • Cluster policies
    • Instance Pools
    • Databricks SQL warehouses
    • Delta Live Tables
    • Jobs
    • MLflow experiments
    • MLflow registry
    • SQL Dashboards & Queries
    • SQL Alerts
    • Token and Password usage permissions
    • Secret Scopes
    • Notebooks
    • Directories
    • Repos
    • Files
  5. validate_groups_permissions: This task validates that all the crawled permissions are applied correctly to the destination groups.

After successfully running the group migration workflow:

  1. Remove workspace-level backup groups along with their permissions.
  2. Proceed to the table migration process.

For additional information see:

Remove workspace local backup groups

Run this workflow only after the group migration workflow

The remove-workspace-local-backup-groups removes the now renamed and redundant workspace-local groups along with their permissions. Run this workflow after confirming that the group migration is successful for all the groups involved. Running this workflow is optional but recommended to keep the workspace clean.

Table migration workflows

This section lists the workflows that migrate tables and views. See this section for deciding which workflow to run and additional context for migrating tables.

Migrate tables

The general table migration workflow migrate-tables migrates all tables and views using default strategies.

  1. migrate_external_tables_sync : This step migrates the external tables that are supported by SYNC command.
  2. migrate_dbfs_root_delta_tables : This step migrates delta tables stored in DBFS root using the DEEP CLONE command.
  3. migrate_dbfs_root_non_delta_tables : This step migrates non-delta tables stored in DBFS root using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM command.
  4. migrate_views : This step migrates views using the CREATE VIEW command.
  5. update_migration_status : Refresh the migration status of all data objects.

Migrate external Hive SerDe tables

The experimental table migration workflow migrate-external-hiveserde-tables-in-place-experimental migrates tables that support the SYNC AS EXTERNAL command.

  1. migrate_hive_serde_in_place : This step migrates the Hive SerDe tables that are supported by SYNC AS EXTERNAL command.
  2. migrate_views : This step migrates views using the CREATE VIEW command.
  3. update_migration_status : Refresh the migration status of all data objects.

Migrate external tables CTAS

The table migration workflow migrate-external-tables-ctas migrates tables with the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM command.

  1. migrate_other_external_ctas This step migrates the Hive Serde tables using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM command.
  2. migrate_hive_serde_ctas : This step migrates the Hive Serde tables using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM command.
  3. migrate_views : This step migrates views using the CREATE VIEW command.
  4. update_migration_status : Refresh the migration status of all data objects.

Post-migration data reconciliation workflow

The migrate-data-reconciliation workflow validates the integrity of the migrated tables and persists its results in the recon_results table. The workflow compares the following between the migrated Hive metastore and its UC counterpart table:

  • Schema : See this result in the schema_matches column.
  • Column by column : See this result in the column_comparison column.
  • Row counts : If the row count is within the reconciliation threshold (defaults to 5%), the data_matches column is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.
  • Rows : If the compare_rows flag is set to true, rows are compared using a hash comparison. Number of missing rows are stored in the source_missing_count and target_missing_count column, respectively.

The output is processed and displayed in the migration dashboard using the in reconciliation_results view.

reconciliation results

[LEGACY] Scan tables in mounts Workflow

Always run this workflow AFTER the assessment has finished

  • This experimental workflow attempts to find all Tables inside mount points that are present on your workspace.
  • If you do not run this workflow, then migrate-tables-in-mounts-experimental won't do anything.
  • It writes all results to hive_metastore.<inventory_database>.tables, you can query those tables found by filtering on database values that starts with mounted_
  • This command is incremental, meaning that each time you run it, it will overwrite the previous tables in mounts found.
  • Current format are supported:
    • Also detects partitioned DELTA and PARQUET
  • You can configure these workflows with the following options available on conf.yml:
    • include_mounts : A list of mount points to scans, by default the workflow scans for all mount points
    • exclude_paths_in_mount : A list of paths to exclude in all mount points
    • include_paths_in_mount : A list of paths to include in all mount points

[LEGACY] Migrate tables in mounts Workflow

  • An experimental workflow that migrates tables in mount points using a CREATE TABLE command, optinally sets a default tables owner if provided in default_table_owner conf parameter.
  • You must do the following in order to make this work:

[EXPERIMENTAL] Migration Progress Workflow

The migration-progress-experimental workflow populates the tables visualized in the migration progress dashboard by updating a subset of the inventory tables to track Unity Catalog compatability of Hive and workspace objects that need to be migrated. It runs automatically once a day, but can also be triggered manually.

The following pre-requisites need to be fulfilled before the workflow will run successfully: