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Group Name Conflict Resolution

See this document for workspace group migration.

When migrating multiple workspaces we can run into conflicts. These conflicts occur when groups with the same name in different workspaces have different membership and different use.

During the installation process we pose the following question: Do you need to rename the workspace groups to match the account groups' name?

If the answer is "Yes" a follow-up question will be:

Choose how to map the workspace groups:
[0] Match by Name
[1] Apply a Prefix
[2] Apply a Suffix
[3] Match by External ID
[4] Regex Substitution
[5] Regex Matching
Enter a number between 0 and 5:

The user then input the Prefix/Suffix/Regular Expression. The installation process will validate the regular expression. The installation process will register the selection as regular expression in the configuration YAML file.

We introduce 3 more parameters to the configuration and the group manager:

  • workspace_group_regex
  • workspace_group_replace
  • account_group_regex

When we run the migration process the regular expression substitution will be applied on all groups.

Group Translation Scenarios:

ScenarioUser Inputworkspace_group_regexworkspace_group_replaceaccount_group_regexExample
Prefixprefix: [Prefix]^[Prefix][EMPTY]data_engineers --> prod_data_engineers
Suffixsuffix: [Prefix]$[Suffix][EMPTY]data_engineers --> data_engineers_prod
SubstitutionSearch Regex: [Regex]
Replace Text:[Replacement_Text]
[WS_Regex][ [Replacement_Text][Empty]corp_tech_data_engineers --> prod_data_engineers
Partial LookupWorkspace Regex: [WS_Regex]
Account Regex: [Acct Regex]
[WS_Regex][Empty][Acct_Regex]data_engineers(12345) --> data_engs(12345)