Future Roadmap ============== The general plan for Tempo's future development is below. However, it is worth noting that based on the demand the order of development might change. .. admonition:: Tempo's future plan :class: important - *Next generation API version 0.2* 1. Meta-data cleanup 2. Simpler constructors 3. New core TSDF transformation functions - *Clear separation of resampling & interpolation functions* - *Intervals API* 1. Extract intervals from TSDFs 2. Get distinct (non-overlapping intervals) 3. Interval-TSDF joins - *Streaming Support* 🚀 1. Streaming as-of joins 2. Streaming resampling - *Integration with timeseries forecasting & ML libraries:* 📈 1. statsmodels 2. FB Prophet 3. Tensorflow 4. Pytorch 5. tsfresh 6. sktime And many more... - *Simpler Windowing API* 1. Use natural-language expressions (ie "5 mins", "16 days", etc.) Don't see what you are looking for, reach out to the team directly at `labs@databricks.com `_ with your feature requests and ideas for improvement.