Quality rules
This page provides a reference for the quality rule functions (checks) available in DQX.
Quality rule functions (checks)
The following quality rules / functions are currently available:
Check | Description | Arguments |
is_not_null | Check if input column is not null | col_name: column name to check |
is_not_empty | Check if input column is not empty | col_name: column name to check |
is_not_null_and_not_empty | Check if input column is not null or empty | col_name: column name to check; trim_strings: boolean flag to trim spaces from strings |
value_is_in_list | Check if the provided value is present in the input column. | col_name: column name to check; allowed: list of allowed values |
value_is_not_null_and_is_in_list | Check if provided value is present if the input column is not null | col_name: column name to check; allowed: list of allowed values |
is_not_null_and_not_empty_array | Check if input array column is not null or empty | col_name: column name to check |
is_in_range | Check if input column is in the provided range (inclusive of both boundaries) | col_name: column name to check; min_limit: min limit value; max_limit: max limit value; min_limit_col_expr: min limit column name or expr; max_limit_col_expr: max limit column name or expr |
is_not_in_range | Check if input column is not within defined range (inclusive of both boundaries) | col_name: column name to check; min_limit: min limit value; max_limit: max limit value; min_limit_col_expr: min limit column name or expr; max_limit_col_expr: max limit column name or expr |
not_less_than | Check if input column is not less than the provided limit | col_name: column name to check; limit: limit value |
not_greater_than | Check if input column is not greater than the provided limit | col_name: column name to check; limit: limit value |
is_valid_date | Check if input column is a valid date | col_name: column name to check; date_format: date format (e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd') |
is_valid_timestamp | Check if input column is a valid timestamp | col_name: column name to check; timestamp_format: timestamp format (e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss') |
not_in_future | Check if input column defined as date is not in the future (future defined as current_timestamp + offset) | col_name: column name to check; offset: offset to use; curr_timestamp: current timestamp, if not provided current_timestamp() function is used |
not_in_near_future | Check if input column defined as date is not in the near future (near future defined as grater than current timestamp but less than current timestamp + offset) | col_name: column name to check; offset: offset to use; curr_timestamp: current timestamp, if not provided current_timestamp() function is used |
is_older_than_n_days | Check if input column is older than n number of days | col_name: column name to check; days: number of days; curr_date: current date, if not provided current_date() function is used |
is_older_than_col2_for_n_days | Check if one column is not older than another column by n number of days | col_name1: first column name to check; col_name2: second column name to check; days: number of days |
regex_match | Check if input column matches a given regex | col_name: column name to check; regex: regex to check; negate: if the condition should be negated (true) or not |
sql_expression | Check if input column is matches the provided sql expression, eg. a = 'str1', a > b | expression: sql expression to check; msg: optional message to output; name: optional name of the resulting column; negate: if the condition should be negated |
You can check implementation details of the rules here.
Apply filters on checks
You can apply checks to a part of the DataFrame by using a filter
For example, to ensure that a column a
is not null only when a column b
is positive, you can define the check as follows:
- criticality: error
filter: b > 0
function: is_not_null
col_name: a
Creating your own checks
Use sql expression
If a check that you need does not exist in DQX, you can define them using sql expression rule (sql_expression
for example:
- criticality: error
function: sql_expression
expression: col1 LIKE '%foo'
msg: col1 ends with 'foo'
Sql expression is also useful if you want to make cross-column validation, for example:
- criticality: error
function: sql_expression
expression: a > b
msg: a is greater than b
Define custom check functions
If you need a reusable check or need to implement a more complicated logic
you can define your own check functions. A check is a function available from 'globals' that returns pyspark.sql.Column
, for example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Column
from databricks.labs.dqx.col_functions import make_condition
def ends_with_foo(col_name: str) -> Column:
column = F.col(col_name)
return make_condition(column.endswith("foo"), f"Column {col_name} ends with foo", f"{col_name}_ends_with_foo")
and use the function as a check:
import yaml
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
from databricks.labs.dqx.col_functions import *
checks = yaml.safe_load("""
- criticality: error
function: ends_with_foo
col_name: col1
dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())
# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks, globals())
# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks, globals())
You can see all existing DQX checks here.
Feel free to submit a PR to DQX with your own check so that other can benefit from it (see contribution guide).