Integration Tests

Run Integration Tests

  1. Initial steps
  • Prerequisite: Datatbricks CLI installed as given here
    git clone
    cd dlt-meta
    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install databricks-sdk
   export PYTHONPATH=$dlt_meta_home
  1. Run integration test against cloudfile or eventhub or kafka using below options: If databricks profile configured using CLI then pass --profile <profile-name> to below command otherwise provide workspace url and token in command line

    • 2a. Run the command for cloudfiles python integration_tests/ --source=cloudfiles uc_catalog_name=<<>>

    • 2b. Run the command for eventhub python integration-tests/ --cloud_provider_name=azure --dbr_version=15.3.x-scala2.12 --source=eventhub --dbfs_path=dbfs:/tmp/DLT-META/ --eventhub_name=iot --eventhub_secrets_scope_name=eventhubs_creds --eventhub_namespace=int_test-standard --eventhub_port=9093 --eventhub_producer_accesskey_name=producer --eventhub_consumer_accesskey_name=consumer

      • For eventhub integration tests, the following are the prerequisites:
        1. Needs eventhub instance running
        2. Use Databricks CLI, Create databricks secrets scope for eventhub keys (databricks secrets create-scope eventhubs_creds)
        3. Use Databricks CLI, Create databricks secrets to store producer and consumer keys using the scope created in step
      • Following are the mandatory arguments for running EventHubs integration test
        1. Provide your eventhub topic : –eventhub_name
        2. Provide eventhub namespace : –eventhub_namespace
        3. Provide eventhub port : –eventhub_port
        4. Provide databricks secret scope name : –eventhub_secrets_scope_name
        5. Provide eventhub producer access key name : –eventhub_producer_accesskey_name
        6. Provide eventhub access key name : –eventhub_consumer_accesskey_name
    • 2c. Run the command for kafka python3 integration_tests/ --cloud_provider_name=aws --dbr_version=15.3.x-scala2.12 --source=kafka --dbfs_path=dbfs:/tmp/DLT-META/ --kafka_topic_name=dlt-meta-integration-test --kafka_broker=host:9092

      • For kafka integration tests, the following are the prerequisites:
        1. Needs kafka instance running
      • Following are the mandatory arguments for running EventHubs integration test
        1. Provide your kafka topic name : –kafka_topic_name
        2. Provide kafka_broker : –kafka_broker
  2. Once finished integration output file will be copied locally to integration-test-output_<run_id>.txt

  3. Output of a successful run should have the following in the file

0,Completed Bronze DLT Pipeline.
1,Completed Silver DLT Pipeline.
2,Validating DLT Bronze and Silver Table Counts...
3,Validating Counts for Table bronze_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.transactions.
4,Expected: 10002 Actual: 10002. Passed!
5,Validating Counts for Table bronze_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.transactions_quarantine.
6,Expected: 7 Actual: 7. Passed!
7,Validating Counts for Table bronze_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.customers.
8,Expected: 98928 Actual: 98928. Passed!
9,Validating Counts for Table bronze_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.customers_quarantine.
10,Expected: 1077 Actual: 1077. Passed!
11,Validating Counts for Table silver_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.transactions.
12,Expected: 8759 Actual: 8759. Passed!
13,Validating Counts for Table silver_7d1d3ccc9e144a85b07c23110ea50133.customers.
14,Expected: 87256 Actual: 87256. Passed!