Key Components


DeltaOMS provides the component com.databricks.labs.deltaoms.init.InitializeOMS for initializing
the centralized OMS database. The component creates the OMS DB at the location specified by the configuration settings. Note: This process will delete all existing data in the specified location.

Refer to Additional Configurations for full configuration settings.


Once DeltaOMS has been initialized, and the input sources configured Source Config, the component provided by com.databricks.labs.deltaoms.init.ConfigurePaths is executed to populate the internal path config tables. This component is also responsible for discovering delta tables under a database or under a directory (based on how the source is configured).

Refer to Additional Configurations for full configuration settings.

This component should be executed whenever there are updates to the source config table.


DeltaOMS uses the delta log json files as its input. Details of the Delta Protocol Json files can be found here

Based on the databases, tables or individual path configured in DeltaOMS, it will fetch the json files under the _delta_log folder as streams. To prevent creation of multiple streams (applicable for large number of databases and streams) , the number of streams are optimized by creating streams on wildcard paths instead of individual paths for table(s).

For example, if a tracked table has the path as dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/sample.db/table1, DeltaOMS uses the path dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/sample.db/*/_delta_log/*.json to read the Delta logs.

The benefits of this approach are :

  • Automatically supports any additional table added to the database
  • No additional streams needs to be created for each additional table, making the solution more scalable

For ways to configure the wildcard behaviour , refer to Source Config

During ingestion, DeltaOMS reads the list of wildcardpaths from the pathconfig table and creates separate read streams for each path. OMS also maintains separate checkpoint location, pool and queryname for each stream. The Delta log json files are read, enriched with additional fields and persisted to the rawactions table.

The ingestion process is executed from the com.databricks.labs.deltaoms.ingest.StreamPopulateOMS object. By default, each streaming ingestion job can support upto 50 streams. If more than 50 streams ( for example more than 50 distinct wildcard paths) would be involved , we recommend creating separate Databricks jobs. The com.databricks.labs.deltaoms.ingest.StreamPopulateOMS supports command line parameters --startingStream and --endingStream for setting the number of streams in each job.By default, these are set to 1 and 50 respectively.

Refer to Additional Configurations for full configuration settings.


DeltaOMS processes the ingested data from rawactions and creates enriched / reconciled tables for Commit Info and Snapshots.

The com.databricks.labs.deltaoms.process.OMSProcessRawActions object looks for the newly added raw actions by utilizing the Change Data Feed feature. The new actions are reconciled to get a list of data files conforming to AddFile and CommitInfo. These are then persisted into Action Snapshots and Commit Info Snapshots respectively.

Refer to Additional Configurations for full configuration settings.