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Creates or overwrites the Access Control List (ACL) associated with the given principal (user or group) on the specified scope point.


put_secret_acl(client, scope, principal, permission)

secretsPutAcl(client, scope, principal, permission)



Required. Instance of DatabricksClient()


Required. The name of the scope to apply permissions to.


Required. The principal in which the permission is applied.


Required. The permission level applied to the principal.


In general, a user or group will use the most powerful permission available to them, and permissions are ordered as follows:

  • MANAGE - Allowed to change ACLs, and read and write to this secret scope.

  • WRITE - Allowed to read and write to this secret scope. * READ - Allowed to read this secret scope and list what secrets are available.

Note that in general, secret values can only be read from within a command on a cluster (for example, through a notebook). There is no API to read the actual secret value material outside of a cluster. However, the user's permission will be applied based on who is executing the command, and they must have at least READ permission.

Users must have the MANAGE permission to invoke this API.

The principal is a user or group name corresponding to an existing Databricks principal to be granted or revoked access.

Throws RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST if no such secret scope exists. Throws RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS if a permission for the principal already exists. Throws INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE if the permission or principal is invalid. Throws PERMISSION_DENIED if the user does not have permission to make this API call.