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Logs a batch of metrics, params, and tags for a run. If any data failed to be persisted, the server will respond with an error (non-200 status code).


  metrics = NULL,
  params = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL

  metrics = NULL,
  params = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL



Required. Instance of DatabricksClient()


Metrics to log.


Params to log.


ID of the run to log under.


Tags to log.


In case of error (due to internal server error or an invalid request), partial data may be written.

You can write metrics, params, and tags in interleaving fashion, but within a given entity type are guaranteed to follow the order specified in the request body.

The overwrite behavior for metrics, params, and tags is as follows:

  • Metrics: metric values are never overwritten. Logging a metric (key, value, timestamp) appends to the set of values for the metric with the provided key.

  • Tags: tag values can be overwritten by successive writes to the same tag key. That is, if multiple tag values with the same key are provided in the same API request, the last-provided tag value is written. Logging the same tag (key, value) is permitted. Specifically, logging a tag is idempotent.

  • Parameters: once written, param values cannot be changed (attempting to overwrite a param value will result in an error). However, logging the same param (key, value) is permitted. Specifically, logging a param is idempotent.

Request Limits ------------------------------- A single JSON-serialized API request may be up to 1 MB in size and contain:

  • No more than 1000 metrics, params, and tags in total * Up to 1000 metrics * Up to 100 params * Up to 100 tags

For example, a valid request might contain 900 metrics, 50 params, and 50 tags, but logging 900 metrics, 50 params, and 51 tags is invalid.

The following limits also apply to metric, param, and tag keys and values:

  • Metric keys, param keys, and tag keys can be up to 250 characters in length

  • Parameter and tag values can be up to 250 characters in length