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Get the status of libraries on a cluster. A status will be available for all libraries installed on this cluster via the API or the libraries UI as well as libraries set to be installed on all clusters via the libraries UI. The order of returned libraries will be as follows.


cluster_library_status(client, cluster_id)

librariesClusterStatus(client, cluster_id)



Required. Instance of DatabricksClient()


Required. Unique identifier of the cluster whose status should be retrieved.


data.frame with all of the response pages.


  1. Libraries set to be installed on this cluster will be returned first. Within this group, the final order will be order in which the libraries were added to the cluster.

  2. Libraries set to be installed on all clusters are returned next. Within this group there is no order guarantee.

  3. Libraries that were previously requested on this cluster or on all clusters, but now marked for removal. Within this group there is no order guarantee.