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Email Notifications


  on_start = NULL,
  on_success = NULL,
  on_failure = NULL,
  no_alert_for_skipped_runs = TRUE



List of email addresses to be notified when a run begins. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.


List of email addresses to be notified when a run successfully completes. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends with a TERMINATED life_cycle_state and a SUCCESSFUL result_state. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.


List of email addresses to be notified when a run unsuccessfully completes. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it ends with an INTERNAL_ERROR life_cycle_state or a SKIPPED, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.


If TRUE (default), do not send email to recipients specified in on_failure if the run is skipped.