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Execute SQL Query


  catalog = NULL,
  schema = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  row_limit = NULL,
  byte_limit = NULL,
  disposition = c("INLINE", "EXTERNAL_LINKS"),
  format = c("JSON_ARRAY", "ARROW_STREAM", "CSV"),
  wait_timeout = "10s",
  on_wait_timeout = c("CONTINUE", "CANCEL"),
  host = db_host(),
  token = db_token(),
  perform_request = TRUE



String, the SQL statement to execute. The statement can optionally be parameterized, see parameters.


String, ID of warehouse upon which to execute a statement.


String, sets default catalog for statement execution, similar to USE CATALOG in SQL.


String, sets default schema for statement execution, similar to USE SCHEMA in SQL.


List of Named Lists, parameters to pass into a SQL statement containing parameter markers.

A parameter consists of a name, a value, and optionally a type. To represent a NULL value, the value field may be omitted or set to NULL explicitly.

See docs for more details.


Integer, applies the given row limit to the statement's result set, but unlike the LIMIT clause in SQL, it also sets the truncated field in the response to indicate whether the result was trimmed due to the limit or not.


Integer, applies the given byte limit to the statement's result size. Byte counts are based on internal data representations and might not match the final size in the requested format. If the result was truncated due to the byte limit, then truncated in the response is set to true. When using EXTERNAL_LINKS disposition, a default byte_limit of 100 GiB is applied if byte_limit is not explicitly set.


One of "INLINE" (default) or "EXTERNAL_LINKS". See docs for details.


One of "JSON_ARRAY" (default), "ARROW_STREAM", or "CSV". See docs for details.


String, default is "10s". The time in seconds the call will wait for the statement's result set as Ns, where N can be set to 0 or to a value between 5 and 50. When set to 0s, the statement will execute in asynchronous mode and the call will not wait for the execution to finish. In this case, the call returns directly with PENDING state and a statement ID which can be used for polling with db_sql_exec_status().

When set between 5 and 50 seconds, the call will behave synchronously up to this timeout and wait for the statement execution to finish. If the execution finishes within this time, the call returns immediately with a manifest and result data (or a FAILED state in case of an execution error).

If the statement takes longer to execute, on_wait_timeout determines what should happen after the timeout is reached.


One of "CONTINUE" (default) or "CANCEL". When wait_timeout > 0s, the call will block up to the specified time. If the statement execution doesn't finish within this time, on_wait_timeout determines whether the execution should continue or be canceled.

When set to CONTINUE, the statement execution continues asynchronously and the call returns a statement ID which can be used for polling with db_sql_exec_status().

When set to CANCEL, the statement execution is canceled and the call returns with a CANCELED state.


Databricks workspace URL, defaults to calling db_host().


Databricks workspace token, defaults to calling db_token().


If TRUE (default) the request is performed, if FALSE the httr2 request is returned without being performed.


Refer to the web documentation for detailed material on interaction of the various parameters and general recommendations

See also

Other SQL Execution APIs: db_sql_exec_cancel(), db_sql_exec_result(), db_sql_exec_status()